WHY DO PEOPLE LIKE ROBERT BRIDGES CONDUCT BUSINESS THIS WAY? I’m sure he didn’t set out to rip off the consumer … but that seems to be his end result. What do you think?

Joe hired Robert Bridges (Bridges Masonry) to install over-sized tile that he purchased separately. The job came out deplorable! Edges were not aligned, the surface was uneven and grout lines were inconsistent.

After Joe complained on my radio show, Robert responded, saying that the tile was cheap and defective, hence could not be installed properly. He said he would install new tile for half-price, but consumer would have to buy the new tile.

“IF” the tile is defective, that is not a bad solution. So, it all depends on “IF” the tile is defective. To find out, we sent an independent expert.

Our expert was adamant that the entire installation was done incorrectly and he said it was as obvious as simply reading the directions on the box!

For example, due to the over-sized nature of the tile, the manufacturer says it must be installed with 1/3 overlaps. It goes on to specifically say DO NOT install like bricks, with a one-half overlap. Enough said?

Bridges refuses to admit he did it wrong. In other words, the consumer is screwed because he dealt with a guy who won’t stand behind his work. I strongly recommend you do not use Robert Bridges and Bridge Masonry at 720.296.9333.